our services

What we do

We focus on audio and visual solutions for our clients. We are mainly focused on music! Producing music and making music videos are a big passion for us. We do this through care and precision to get your product as good as it can be. We also offer educational content like courses and workshops where we try to help the industry grow through our experience in the music industry. Consulting, planning and strategising every angle of your project is a priority of ours as well as teaching everything there is to learn in the music industry. We care about your business as well as your well being in the future of your business.

Our Services


Our main focus is Music recording but we do offer other audio solutions like voice overs and Jingles



Great mixing of your recordings is a must. We offer professional mixing to recordings that will give your product the professional edge that it needs 


The soul of our company is producing. We open up your world creatively to find your vision of the product you want. 


Courses & Workshops

We offer a great course to teach you everything we know about our business as well as the music industry. Keep your eyes peeled on our website and socials to find available dates.



We have over 20 years of combined experience in the music industry. We strategize every project we do as far and deep as we can. We also offer consultations for musicians and young producers to help them grow to the next level

Visual Content

Music videos, advertisement and social media content is the latest service we brought into our company. Watch our Showreel on the projects page to see more


We offer and outsource songwriters to find the perfect song for you. Remember that your whole brand starts with a great song.

PR, Marketing and Social media

We offer a unique and powerful solution to modern PR and marketing that is more focused on social media than anything else

The Process

This small formula is the idea of ho we approach each en every single project we work on. Diligence and precision is the name of the game.


1. Strategy

2. Pre Production

3. Production

4. Pr, Marketing and social media